Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Camping with the peeps in a plane!

Hi All!  A few weeks ago we went camping- for the first time ever!  It was so fun! We camped from the plane. These are all the pictures we have (darn those batteries!) but we hope you enjoy.

Here we are ready to go! We were just so excited.  New "Neck-R-Chiefs" AND a trip.  It was a big day.

Safe and sound at Red Creek, AZ. Look at how green the desert was! (Yes peeps, this IS green- for us.)

BM landed us safely on the runway-type-thing behind us.  (Yes peeps, this IS an airstrip- for us.)

Here is BM tying down the plane. That's Dexie grazing in the background.

There was lots of water, hiking, swimming, camp food and fun. But best of all was time spent with the peeps. 
I love BM!  Thanks for the safe trip!


  1. Wow, you guys are brave. Daisy doesn't even like the car. Hope you had a great time.

    Tucker and Daisy

  2. THAT is unusually cool! When you subtitled your blog with the word, "adventure" in it, you weren't kidding! Your first camping trip? Wow - intrepid peeps to take you to the middle of no place! Love it! And that place looks just great! How very pawsome to be able to take off like that and get the bird's eye view of where you'd like to go - could go on and on - love the pix! Will you go on more trips on the big birdie?
    Big Hugs xoxoxoxo

  3. Wow! Camping from a plane! You must be the luckies high fliers in the world!...and I love your neck scarves!
    Sending lotsaluv to you all and hoping that there is a lot more camping this summer!

  4. Now THAT is a pawesome 'road' trip!

    Thanks fur sharing!


  5. Wow, that is soo awesome! Breakfast Man is now Plane Man!! We are floored. I love how green it is too. Now get some new batteries so you can take some more pictures! BOL! We love your adventures. They look like so much fun. Oh and Dexie grazing??? Big BOL!!!

    Much Love,
    Woofs and Hugz,
    Josie and Blues

  6. Hi!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog. Nice to meet you and Dexie.
    You are so lucky to have your own personal pilot.

  7. Wow - that is an adventure most of us won't be going on!

    Thanks for visiting my blog - I love new furry friends. I have been following you and your boyfriends Augie and Ti for a while now.

    Wags and Kisses,

  8. Woof! Woof! WOW you get to go camping from a plane. What a pawsome trip. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  9. Hi Sierra!!! Sierra Rose here. What a fantastic adventure!!! Great to have hikies, camping and streams to play in on this adventure. Mom's peeps are heading to AZ on a birding road-trip right now...looks beautiful where you camped!

    Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
    Sierra Rose

  10. Your own pilot? You pooches travel in style!

  11. Well, dang! You are making our lives look very boring over here! LOL Totally awesome! I'm impressed!

  12. Wow! private plane and pilot. That's so cool! Lucky you : )

  13. I love your family adventures. !! It is pawsome you are flying so much. Your neck scarves really fit the scene. KEEP SAFE !!

  14. WHAT AN ADVENTURE! Incredible, i'm jealous! Love love love the pictures!


Welcome, Welcome!

My photo
The title of my blog suggests I'm spoiled, but I prefer "well taken care of". I love adventures and I want to share mine with you. Welcome!

Meet the Peeps: Breakfast Man

Meet the Peeps: Breakfast Man
Breakfast Man: the go-to-guy for yummy morsals in the morning.

Meet the Peeps: Lovie Lady

Meet the Peeps: Lovie Lady
Lovie Lady: always there to give big hugs and kisses- and baths. Boo!

Meet the Peeps: Dexie

Meet the Peeps: Dexie
Dexie: she's the newest member of the family and my right-paw gal.

Meet the Peeps: Peanut the Nemesis

Meet the Peeps: Peanut the Nemesis
Peanut the Nemesis: a cat, 'nuff said

Meet the Peeps: Robert Dashel Par, aka "Dash"

Meet the Peeps: Robert Dashel Par, aka "Dash"
Dash: the desert tortoise who lives in a special area in my back yard. I'm not allowed in his area after "the incident".

Awards I am grateful to receive:

Awards I am grateful to receive:

