Thursday, November 11, 2010

Thank You!

Hi All,

Sierra's peeps here...

It has been two weeks now since our dear Sierra passed away.  These have been difficult days for our family, but they were made easier by all of your kind thoughts and words of comfort.  We have received so many wonderful emails, cards, gifts, calls, and of course your comments left on this blog which overwhelmed us with the depth of compassion shown from each and every one of you.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.  
It is a true gift to have friendship and support from all over the world.

Halloween was one of Sierra favorite holidays as she got to lick all the sticky gooey candy covered faces and fingers of little munchkins who came to visit our house. Unfortunately for Sierra one of her peeps (who shall go unnamed) felt it nessassary to dress Sierra up in all sorts of ridiculous costumes for the occussion.

Here are some pictures of Sierra in years past which made us smile.  This year she probably looked down on us from heaven and said, "Ha!  No more silly costumes for me!"  Poor girl, she really was a trooper about all those costumes for the amusement of her beloved peeps.


  1. They put up with so much for us. She was a sweet girl, and we are missing her very much.

    We are thinking of you,


  2. We think of Sierra often. Hugs to all of you. She will always be with you through all of these beautiful memories.

    Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

  3. Love the look on her face on the first photo.... all very cute!

  4. Thank you for sharing Sierra's howl-o-ween costumes. She sure was a sport. We do love her costumes though she looked happiest on the last one. The smiles show how much bond and love you shared together and these will never fade.

    Memories last forever and we are happy to read all about her here in your blog.

    Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Pai & Wai-Max

  5. Bless her,such a beautiful girl! Have been thinking of you all these past couple of weeks.I know from experience how tough it is.
    Big Hugs XOXO

  6. Oh, how adorable she looked (if not a tiny bit peeved, hee hee)! I'm still so sad that Sierra is gone, but we all know how very much she was loved :)

  7. The look on her face in the "Snow White" photo says it all. She was a very good sport! Abbey - on the other hand - would not hear of it. Not only would she not wear them - she barked at other dogs who did. She just didn't understand!.

    I take comfort in knowing that Abbey and Sierra both arrived at the Bridge within days of each other. I'm sure they shared a good laugh on Halloween!

  8. What fun photos and memories! We still have the one and only costume we bought for our first Golden. It's worn every year by one of our pups--I always think of him when I get it out, and seeing it on another dog never fails to make us smile--I hope these pictures and memories helped to ease the paiin and the loss of your precious girl Sierra.

  9. Woof! Woof! Golden Welcome. Golden Cute photos. For sure there are lots more events n photos full of precious memories. Hope you decide to continue to blog ... love to hear your continued adventures with Dexie. Lots of Golden LOVE and Woofs, Sugar

  10. Oh my!

    What GReat pikhs that show so much and are such a pawesome memory of a GReat GiRl!

    We appreciated your note furry much!

    Here's to Sierra Dog! I'm hoping she's with my Golden Angel Khousin Sierra and my Sibestas!


  11. What sweet photos! Love the looks on Sierra's face in them! She sure was a trooper, and how fun that she was able to participate in Halloween so thoroughly. Very cool!

    Thanks for sharing more great memories of your beautiful girl. She is missed!

    Tail wags to Dexie!


  12. aaahh what a nice post...remembering Sierra
    Benny & Lily

  13. What a terrific remembrance post (and I can only imagine any of The Herd - past or present - tolerating costumes). Our wishes for your continued healing from your loss (with the knowledge that Sierra watches over you still).

  14. Missing sweet Sierra. What wonderful costumes, and big smiles! Sierra's love and spirit continues on.

    Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
    Sierra Rose

  15. Blessed Sierra putting up with such 'she·nan·i·gans'...aah what a doggy will do for loved ones! Sniffs and Licks


Welcome, Welcome!

My photo
The title of my blog suggests I'm spoiled, but I prefer "well taken care of". I love adventures and I want to share mine with you. Welcome!

Meet the Peeps: Breakfast Man

Meet the Peeps: Breakfast Man
Breakfast Man: the go-to-guy for yummy morsals in the morning.

Meet the Peeps: Lovie Lady

Meet the Peeps: Lovie Lady
Lovie Lady: always there to give big hugs and kisses- and baths. Boo!

Meet the Peeps: Dexie

Meet the Peeps: Dexie
Dexie: she's the newest member of the family and my right-paw gal.

Meet the Peeps: Peanut the Nemesis

Meet the Peeps: Peanut the Nemesis
Peanut the Nemesis: a cat, 'nuff said

Meet the Peeps: Robert Dashel Par, aka "Dash"

Meet the Peeps: Robert Dashel Par, aka "Dash"
Dash: the desert tortoise who lives in a special area in my back yard. I'm not allowed in his area after "the incident".

Awards I am grateful to receive:

Awards I am grateful to receive:

