Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Grand Gulch Mine

Hi All!  Sierra Dog here.

Tomorrow we're going to Sedona to pick up LL!
We're so excited to see her!

I told Breakfast Man that this is his last chance to slip some airplane pictures onto my blog before LL gets home.  Back in April, when we took family pictures in Sedona, we were on the way home from camping at Grand Gulch Mine, Az.  It's northwest of the Grand Canyon near the Utah and Nevada borders.

On the way, we got gas at Grand Canyon Caverns.
The mine and the airstrip are on the mesa, and this is the canyon we hiked.
 LL got a picture as we landed:
Our friend Dale was already there.
When Breakfast Man grows up, he wants to be just like Dale.
Dale lands at lots of neat places, and has a beautiful shiny airplane.

We checked out the old mine equipment.

Hiked down into the canyon,

and back up this great ridge back to the runway.
Good thing we have an airplane-
 this truck doesn't look like it'd make it all the way home.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

The Super Trail

Hi All!  Sierra Dog here.

One of my favorite jobs is bringing mail in from the mailbox.  On Thursday I brought in an envelope addressed to Dexie & I.  It had pictures of Augie & Ti, our handsome long distance boyfriends!

One of Breakfast Man's friends wanted to hike Mt. Wrightson, so we went hiking EARLY this morning.

On the way down, we took the Super Trail from Josephine Saddle.  It's almost 2 miles longer, so it's not as steep, but the views are great.  It's a good trail, but I'm not sure why they named it the "Super Trail"- they didn't know that I'm a Super Dog with X-Ray eyes.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

A few of my favorite things...

Hi All!  Sierra Dog here.
It's hot in Tucson, so we've been in the pool everyday.
Here are some other places I like to swim:
The Salt River, at Gleason Flats.
Beaver Creek
White River
The Dolores River, near Gateway Colorado.
Rattlesnake Creek, near Klondyke Az.
Oak Creek, near Page Springs.
LL has 2 more weeks of class.  
We really miss her and can't wait till she gets home.

Welcome, Welcome!

My photo
The title of my blog suggests I'm spoiled, but I prefer "well taken care of". I love adventures and I want to share mine with you. Welcome!

Meet the Peeps: Breakfast Man

Meet the Peeps: Breakfast Man
Breakfast Man: the go-to-guy for yummy morsals in the morning.

Meet the Peeps: Lovie Lady

Meet the Peeps: Lovie Lady
Lovie Lady: always there to give big hugs and kisses- and baths. Boo!

Meet the Peeps: Dexie

Meet the Peeps: Dexie
Dexie: she's the newest member of the family and my right-paw gal.

Meet the Peeps: Peanut the Nemesis

Meet the Peeps: Peanut the Nemesis
Peanut the Nemesis: a cat, 'nuff said

Meet the Peeps: Robert Dashel Par, aka "Dash"

Meet the Peeps: Robert Dashel Par, aka "Dash"
Dash: the desert tortoise who lives in a special area in my back yard. I'm not allowed in his area after "the incident".

Awards I am grateful to receive:

Awards I am grateful to receive:

