Monday, June 28, 2010

Helpful Household Hints

Hi all!  Sierra Dog here.

LL has been gone to her class for 10 days now. We really miss her. 
Before she left she kept going on about everyone starving and the house burning down while she's gone but Dexie and I are doing fine. 
We've been swimming every day, and our food tastes exactly the same as usual.

In fact, Dexie has gone all Betty Crocker on me, and wants to share a kitchen tip:

The oven is not a good place to store tupperware,

especially if you'd like to use the tupperware again.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Mt. Wrightson

Hi All! Sierra-dog here!
You haven't heard from me lately because I've been keeping LL too busy.  Right now she is in Sedona for a few weeks taking a class, so I got Breakfast man to post today's pictures.
We hiked up Mt. Wrightson.
 Dexie says: "Follow the red line to the top of the mountain!"
and off we went.....
 Great view, but we still hadn't reached the top.
Finally! 9,453 ft. above sea level, and Mt. Hopkins in the back ground.
  Looking north toward Tucson and Mt. Lemmon.
Time to head home. That's a long way down.
Siesta at Bellows Spring.
We had a great day!

Welcome, Welcome!

My photo
The title of my blog suggests I'm spoiled, but I prefer "well taken care of". I love adventures and I want to share mine with you. Welcome!

Meet the Peeps: Breakfast Man

Meet the Peeps: Breakfast Man
Breakfast Man: the go-to-guy for yummy morsals in the morning.

Meet the Peeps: Lovie Lady

Meet the Peeps: Lovie Lady
Lovie Lady: always there to give big hugs and kisses- and baths. Boo!

Meet the Peeps: Dexie

Meet the Peeps: Dexie
Dexie: she's the newest member of the family and my right-paw gal.

Meet the Peeps: Peanut the Nemesis

Meet the Peeps: Peanut the Nemesis
Peanut the Nemesis: a cat, 'nuff said

Meet the Peeps: Robert Dashel Par, aka "Dash"

Meet the Peeps: Robert Dashel Par, aka "Dash"
Dash: the desert tortoise who lives in a special area in my back yard. I'm not allowed in his area after "the incident".

Awards I am grateful to receive:

Awards I am grateful to receive:

